Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Lyradori set up

This is a set up post of my new Lyradori
I picked this up in the recent sale for £13, I've wanted this particular design for ages.

My current paper clips! I swap these out every now and then, but at the moment I am using a poop emote paper clip from Cherry Blossom in the Market Square, a teal/green one from Sainsbury's and the rainbow one I made myself.

My first insert is for my daily planning. All of my inserts are from TravelersTimes, I love the quality of them! I keep some Molang sticky notes on the front for quick note taking, I bought them from LittleNoahsArk on Etsy!

An example of my decoration, this is for next week and I used June's Brimbles Box for it.

The second insert is my monthly insert.

This is my favourite decoration in my monthly insert so far, all because the Cursed Child script book will be on its way to me on the last day of July!
The stickers are a mix from my Harry Potter sticker book I bought a while ago from Amazon, ThePlumpPlanner and DreamBigAndPlan.

I bought this wallet from Amazon a few days ago as the folder insert I made myself wasn't holding my stickers in properly and I was worried they would fall out! This is much better quality than I was expecting to be honest and I'm glad I bought it. It's thick and sturdy and isn't adding bulk to the dori.

My third insert is my note insert. It is a dotted print inside which I love writing on!
The stickers are from a previous Brimbles Box.

The back of the wallet comes around my notebook insert and has a double sided slip in type thing at the back of it.
I am keeping some random bits and pieces including some of my shop cards and some more sticky notes.

And finally at the back I have a card from June's Brimbles Box and my final insert which is one of my journalling insert. This is just a plain insert as I was finding I didn't really want to write as much on a lined insert, with the plain I can write sideways and slantways, and longways and backways...

My pen is getting a bit worn now but it's my favourite one to use, it's a £2.50 biro from Paperchase.

I have added links to all shops I have mentioned if you want to check them out! I did after seeing them mentioned in a few blog posts and now my bank account hates me.. ha!

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